The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers - How to Let Go of Excessive Stress, Anxiety and Worry and Raise Happy, Healthy, Resilient Fami
The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers ...
The experience of raising children can be one of life’s gre...

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self - 21 Days to Releasing Self-Doubt, Cultivating Inner Peace, and Creating a Life You Love
The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self...
Have you ever had the feeling your life just isn’t working?...

The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence - A Woman's Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less and Loving More
The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence ...
Jessica Ortner, producer of the highly successful documentar...

The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls - How to Stop Freaking Out and Keep Being Awesome
The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls - How to Stop Fr...
Dealing with grades, bullying, friendships, parents, crushes...

Stopping the Noise in Your Head - The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry
Stopping the Noise in Your Head - The New Way to Overco...
If you or someone you love suffers from excessive worry, anx...

Overcoming Anxiety - Reassuring Ways to Break Free from Stress and Worry and Lead a Calmer Life
Overcoming Anxiety - Reassuring Ways to Break Free from...
Understand, overcome and break free from worry and anxiety B...

Help Your Child to Succeed - The Essential Guide for Parents
Help Your Child to Succeed - The Essential Guide for Pa...
This invaluable guide for parents, by two leading educationa...

Understanding Autism - The essential guide for parents
Understanding Autism - The essential guide for parents
Understanding Autism is the essential reference for parents ...

Tapping Solution for Pain Relief - a Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain
Tapping Solution for Pain Relief - a Step-by-Step Guide...
Do you suffer from chronic pain? If so, you’re not alone. I...

Mothers Raising Sons - No-nonsense rules to stay sane and raise happy boys
Mothers Raising Sons - No-nonsense rules to stay sane a...
Is your son driving you crazy?Are you constantly accused of ...

The CBT Handbook - A comprehensive guide to using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to overcome depression, anxiety and anger
The CBT Handbook - A comprehensive guide to using Cogni...
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT is widely recommended n...

Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence
Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence
Placing conditions on our lives and our happiness has become...

The Tapping Solution For Parents, Children & Teenagers - How To L

Parenting is Forever - A paediatrician's tips for parents, teachers and carers

`Believe and trust in your children. But most of all, be kind.’ Parents ask, `Why are children so anxious?’, `Has my child got autism?’, `How do I calm a screaming baby, yelling child, or angry teenager?’, and `What can I do when my child wants to die?’ Anxiety, autism, ADHD, and learning problems make school hard. Depression, self-harm, cyberbullying, and eating disorders are part of our ...

Tapping Solution for Pain Relief - a Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain

Do you suffer from chronic pain? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, millions of people deal with this life-changing issue every day. And if you’re like most of them, you’ve tried all the normal ‘solutions’: doctors, injections, medications, and surgeries. While these all have a place in healing, they have fallen short in dealing with the pain epidemic. So what can you do? In The Tapping Soluti...

Guilt-Free Bottle Feeding - Why Your Formula-Fed Baby Can Be Happy, Healthy and Smart

Guilt-Free Bottle Feeding is the myth-busting book about formula, breast milk and what’s best for both of you. ‘Breast is best’ – or is it? What if you can’t breastfeed? Have you failed as a mother? There is no subject more controversial for new parents than the breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding. Everyone has an opinion, and most will readily share it. Breastfeeding is fantastic but we need...

The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence - A Woman's Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less and Loving Mor...

Jessica Ortner, producer of the highly successful documentary on meridian tapping, The Tapping Solution, offers women a better choice. Why not lose the weight and create the life you’ve always dreamt of? In this groundbreaking book, Jessica uses tapping to help tackle the stress that leads to weight gain – including the personal stresses of low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. Using her ow...

Live the Let-Go Life - Breaking Free from Stress, Worry, and Anxiety

Letting your problems go into the hands of the One who created the universe is the most powerful thing you can do to live carefree and joyful. You are acknowledging that you cannot—but He can—and you are stepping aside so that His supply can flow into every area of your life. God wants you to live at peace. He wants to see you enjoying life. In LIVE THE LET-GO LIFE, Joseph Prince unveils God’s ...

Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs - A Tapping Solution Children's Story

Annabel dreams of one day being a scientist, but teasing from other kids at school has hurt her confidence and left her feeling sad and alone. Join her as she learns how to use the Magical Tapping Technique to quickly release her sadness and regain her confidence. Through the book, you’ll learn about the scientifically proven technique commonly known as “Tapping” and how you can use it for both...

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self - 21 Days to Releasing Self-Doubt, Cultivating Inner Peace, and ...

Have you ever had the feeling your life just isn’t working? That no matter how much you push and direct, or sit back and let go, the square peg you’re holding just won’t fit into the round hole that is your life?What if, instead, the roadblocks went away? What if you could experience more ease and flow in your life, banish self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, and live your greatest life? Can you imag...

The Mindful Way through Anxiety - Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life

Anxiety constrains the lives of millions, leaving sufferers exhausted, stressed, and overwhelmed. And the things most people do to try to feel better — avoiding feared situations, pushing worry out of mind — only make the problem worse. Leading psychologists Susan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer provide a powerful new alternative: they help readers fundamentally change their relationship to anxie...

5:2 Your Life - Get Happy, Healthy and Slim

Get Happy, Get Healthy, Get Slim. 5:2 Your Life demonstrates how the 5:2 diet can be more than just a weight loss programme, it is a way of life. The small weekly change can make a huge difference. And that’s what 5:2 is all about – taking simple steps, on just two days per week, which will have a powerful ripple effect on your whole life. Now Kate Harrison, best-selling author of The 5:2 Diet...

The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers - Gentle Ways to Stop Bedtime Battles and Improve Your Child's S...

Elizabeth Pantley gets dozens of e-mails daily about her bestselling sleep book, The No-Cry Sleep Solution. No-Cry Sleep covered babies up to age two, but many of the parents are asking what to do about older children who are being awakened by a baby’s cries, refusing to go to bed or to stay in bed, having nightmares, or getting into the parents’ bed at night. This book now provides those parent...

Creative Ways to Help Children Manage BIG Feelings - A Therapist's Guide to Working with Preschool and Primary Children

Help children to stay on top of “big” feelings like anger, sadness and anxiety with this ingeniously easy-to-use therapy toolkit. Focusing on making therapy for children both purposeful and playful, the book provides 47 activities to transform your sessions using everyday materials and a variety of tried-and-tested therapy models. The authors deliver sage advice on how to work with children, ad...

Stress-Proof - The Scientific Solution to Protect Your Brain and Body - and be More Resilient Every Day

Discover simple, science-based strategies for beating stress at its own game When’s the best time to exercise – and how much is too much? Which foods fortify the brain, and which do the opposite? How can we use music, movement, and motivation to boost our rational brain and keep our cool no matter what life throws our way? Short bursts of stress are an inevitable part of modern life. But how m...

Help Your Child to Succeed - The Essential Guide for Parents

This invaluable guide for parents, by two leading educationalists, has been written to support parents in helping their children through the pre-school and primary years – to show that parents can make an enormous difference to their child’s chances of success in life.The book also shows how families can enjoy learning together, for the home and its immediate environment offer wonderful opportun...

Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence

Placing conditions on our lives and our happiness has become the norm. We see it all the time: we must establish a career before looking for a relationship. We must find love before feeling fulfilled. We must feel stressed out until we finish everything on our to-do list. But by far, the most common conditions we put on ourselves revolve around our weight – no love until we lose the weight, no ...

Full Catastrophe Living, Revised Edition - How to cope with stress, pain and illness using mindfulness meditation

Full Catastrophe Living is a manual for developing your own personal meditation practice and learning how to use mindfulness to promote improved health and healing in your own life. It is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s highly acclaimed stress reduction programme at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre, where he uses mindfulness to help thousands of people cope with stress, anxiety, pain and ...

Understanding Autism - The essential guide for parents

Understanding Autism is the essential reference for parents and care givers of children on the autistic spectrum. Written by two leading experts in the field, this updated edition covers key information, like the causes of autism and how it manifests at the various ages and stages of a child’s life, while also taking into account the importance of self-care for parents. Authors Katrina Willia...

The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers - How to Let Go of Excessive Stress, Anxiety and Worry and Raise ...

The experience of raising children can be one of life’s greatest gifts, but it can also come with an overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety, and even self-doubt. Am I modeling the type of person I want my child to become? Am I doing enough to prepare my child to be resilient in an ever-changing world? Are my children happy and confident in themselves? In The Tapping Solution for Parents, Chil...

Stopping the Noise in Your Head - The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry

If you or someone you love suffers from excessive worry, anxiety, panic, OCD, or phobias, you know how crippling it can be. Of course, worry can be an important asset when it forces our attention on problem-solving. But anxious worrying can cause us to unnecessarily focus on a threat, to retreat and avoid, and to seek reassurance and safety—which is no way to foster a life of growth and excitemen...

Overcoming Anxiety - Reassuring Ways to Break Free from Stress and Worry and Lead a Calmer Life

Understand, overcome and break free from worry and anxiety Bestselling personal development author, Gill Hasson is back and this time she’s here to help with something that affects everyone at some point in their life, Anxiety. Worries and anxieties are familiar to us all. Worrying can be helpful when it prompts you to take action and solve a problem but unrelenting doubts, fears, and negative po...

Liquid Crystal Oracle - Return of the Atlantian Way for the Children of LightOracle Card and Book Set

Liquid Crystal Oracle is an ever-unfolding and enlightening adventure through the Crystalline world. These potent cards will open the doors for you to the Atlantian Earth and introduce the Master Crystal Devas, the Mineral Kingdom’s creators, unlocking their ancient and sacred knowledge. The 77 cards and comprehensive 292-page guidebook is a powerful life-changing crystal healing system. Through ...

The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids - Help for Children to Cope with Stress, Anxiety & Transitions

Children pay close attention to their parents’ moods. When parents feel upset, their kids may become anxious, and when parents wind down, children also get the chance to relax. When you feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can be hard to help your child feel balanced. The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook for Kids, written by two child therapists, offers more than fifty activities you can do to...